WSM BBQ Guru Controller question



TVWBB Member
Well here is my second post ever ,so bear with me, I am smoking a 7lb brisket today on my WSM 18 and I am using a BBqguru Partyq to controll the temp,have used this many times before with NO issues always held the temp of 225, today its 45 dgress outsid and 30 to 40 mile wind gusts, the smoker is in a fairly non windy place but still sees a little wind but not much, the controller wont seem to go past 210 or 215 and the fan seems to want to run alot, all bottom vets are closed as they should be and top vent is open 1/3, full water pan...any suggestions??
Prolly late but fully open you're top vent. 1/3 closed is not that big of a deal but usually closing the top vent briefly helps control spiking temps from getting out of hand.
I don't own an ATC but I thought the use of a heat sink (water) is not needed?

Thanks for the help guys, I ended up taking the brisket off when it got to 150 and foiled it and finished it in my oven, doesn't have the bark I would want but as soon as I took the meat off I closed it all up and went out an hour later and the temp was at 250 which it hadn't been all day... Weird day for my wsm.
Hey Mike, there is no damper control on the bbqguru's partyQ,it is a 5cfm fan I found it odd as well,I even opened both bottom vents and the top vent 100% and it never got to 225,it hovered between 180 and 200....quite bizarre

