WSM and other weber covers don't fit anymore???



TVWBB Super Fan
do the rest of you have a similar problem in which over time, the weber covers shrink to the point that they won't fit the wsm, grills anymore? I have 3 covers, one of the wsm, one on the genesis gold and one on my platnium/performer. The only one that fits is the wsm and it barely fits. In time, it will be too small just like the other two.

any tips/tricks? was thinking about ordering new covers but they are expensive and eventually will shrink. Might even consider buying a slightly larger cover next time. Mine do sit out in the sun/weather/Florida
Never had one shrink on me. The WSM cover was always tight. Maybe they just got stiff and are harder to put on. I use the cheap, light gray Weber cover for my kettle and cheap 3rd party covers for my gasser and Performer. I don't use the WSM cover anymore (it leaks); I use a large contractor trash bag. The only reason to spend the $ for Weber covers is how they look, and I don't care how they look; I care how they cook.
My WSM cover shrunk but not so much that it would not fit anymore. It became very tight and was hard to pull down over the joint between the top section and middle sections.
Because I happened to have some black waterproof material very similar to what the WSM cover is made of, I added a long, thin, triangular section to the cover to make it large enough to go over the handles I installed on the center section. The same thing would fix the problem of shrinkage (ok, Seinfeld fans... go ahead and laugh, get it out of your system). You can open up the side seam on the cover, and add material either by sewing (if you have access to a heavy duty machine), or by gluing the fabric (the cement used for pvc water pipes works, but it dries so quickly you have to be quick).
I have the same problem with my pants shrinking, at least that's the current working theory.

re: WSM cover, I always found it such a pain to install that I rarely used it, and my tolerance definitely went down over time. I imagine the elastic bits do tighten up with time though, and you're probably right about the material shrinking a bit as well. I don't understand yet why the covers have to be so tight in the first place, although I guess flapping in the wind would make them wear faster.

What I do these days is wheel the Performer under cover and toss the Performer cover over the WSM. Lots of room there ;)
My 18" WSM cover wouldn't fit over the handles I added so I replaced it with a 22" kettle cover. Not real tight around the bottom, but everything is covered.

As far as shrinkage goes, I recently had to replace my Genesis cover because it was too difficult to get on anymore. The vinyl became very brittle and stiff and just wouldn't go over my grill anymore without fighting it. But that was after 14 years of outdoor exposure, so not too bad.
I prefer to think my grills are getting bigger! Actually, going on six years, I have not had a problem with the grill cover, but the WSM I have not had long enough to tell.
Before I tossed out my piece of junk Weber Ducane grill some years ago I had bought a Vermont Casting grill cover big enough for the five burner ducane. I now use it on the genesis, which a little big but completely covers the grill, and it doesn't seem to shrink, much better than the weber cover. When I installed the required handles on the wsm it would not fit, so I tossed the cover that came with it.............................d
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Since I can't seem to find a cover for my "new" CL 18.5" WSM, would a 22.5 kettle cover work since the WSM is considerably taller but smaller in diameter? I just need something to keep rain water from running down the outside and getting in through the vents.
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