WSM 18.5 Grommet thoughts?


Christopher H

Hi everyone,

I recently ordered a brand new WSM 18.5" and when I received it I noticed it's late May, and I got the 2013 model without the Grommet. That is the only change YoY correct? Do people actually think it's necessary to have the grommet or can I get by without it and/or create my own? I was working off an ECM before a much needed upgrade so I am used to not having all the bells and whistles anyways.

I can return it free of charge but my gut feeling is I will be just fine without it.

I installed a grommet on my 22.5. I didn't like that I have to run the probe wires up through the grates, so I finally pulled the trigger and cut a slot, much happier with the slot.

Here is how I cut the slot, I also have the grommet on the 14.5 and made my own on the 22.5 but only use them if I am probing the meat on the lower grate
Do you guys think it's 100% a MUST HAVE? Or can I go without it like I am used to? I'm a backyard BBQer that might want to try competition in the next few years but not for awhile.
Do you guys think it's 100% a MUST HAVE?
A port, a slot or a remote temp monitor ?

Anyway, I added a therm port to my 18.5 WSM.
It works fine, but someday I will probably fire up the peanut grinder and cut a slot for easier access to the top grate.
The port effort will not be wasted because it will always give me easy probe access to the bottom grate.
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I think you can get away without a grommet, silicone or homemade, or a slot by just laying the wires over the rim and putting the top on, but I would worry that over time the wires will break, to my mind that is the only issue.
mine has the silicone port installed from the factory, but I have also seen where someone put the probes through the bottom of the side door where it overlaps the middle section on the side...I would think that the wires would wear out really fast being pinched in between the lid and the body and you would probably loose smoke and heat through the gap left there also
I guess my point is I have never "needed" nor used a thermo reading at the grate so why should that change now? I don't see needing it as a necessity but it seems like other people use theirs? I'm ok with just assuming the grate is about 20-30* hotter than the temp read I am getting.
I guess my point is I have never "needed" nor used a thermo reading at the grate so why should that change now? I don't see needing it as a necessity but it seems like other people use theirs? I'm ok with just assuming the grate is about 20-30* hotter than the temp read I am getting.
With the popular Maverick ET-732/733 remote system, it is not just grate temp but also internal meat temp that you can monitor with the 2 probe Maverick.
It's pretty cool to be able to monitor your cook from the comfort of your easy chair.

Can you do without ?
With the popular Maverick ET-732/733 remote system, it is not just grate temp but also internal meat temp that you can monitor with the 2 probe Maverick.
It's pretty cool to be able to monitor your cook from the comfort of your easy chair.

Can you do without ?

I agree with Joe....if you're not using a device such as the Maverick, there is no need for a grommet or slot. If you are or ever do want to use a temp device such as a Maverick, the probes are expensive enough that I didn't want my lid pinching them.

