WSM 14.5" Search Help!


Joe K - Iowa

Closed Account
Hi there forum members! :)

I've spent lots of time here enjoying the cooks/tips/info posted and learning from all of the forum experts. :D I truly appreciate it much, much more than you can possibly know.

I respectfully ask to tap into the weber collective here. I've used the forum search function with less than ideal results...

I typed in WSM 14.5" and a few other variations,


and came up with this...


Not quite what I was hoping for. :( I tried many different entries in the search function... but all came up empty.

If anyone could kindly point me to actual cooks/smokes on the WSM 14.5, I would really, really appreciate it.

I'm thinking about adding this one to my collection. I'd really like to hear about any cooks anyone has experienced on it. :wsm:

Thank you so much in advance!
Yea, me and this search don't get along either.
Click the View Tag Cloud on the bottom of this page and a few pop up.

By default, the vBulletin search does not index words shorter than 4 characters, but even changing it to 3 characters, as I have done, does not seem to fix the problem. For example, searching on "tri tip" or "tri-tip" gets no results, but "tritip" does, even when it was spelled tri tip or tri-tip in the original post. So "WSM" is a no-go, and I doubt that it indexes on numbers.

This Google search will get you better results:"

