WSCG's on backorder all over the country


WB Zipf

I ordered a Weber Summit Charcoal Grill Center two weeks ago (April 15th). I ordered it from Firecraft (great people by the way), now they had sold out of their initial inventory, but were under the impression that they would receive their next orders this past Sunday, May 1st (their regularly scheduled delivery date). Unfortunately for me, they haven't received this shipment of WSCG's yet. The people at Firecraft reported to me that Weber customer service reports that dealers all over the country are on back order and the plant making these are running 24-7.

Anyway, this sucks for me as I have no idea when I will be getting mine, but it appears that the initial demand for this product exceeded Weber's own expectations. I thought this was interesting given that some of the initial reaction to the product launch was that the price maybe to high.
One of our local barbecue stores has two of them in stock. One already put together and the other still in the box. They were also putting the model without the table together yesterday when I was in the store.

I wish they were not so expensive. I just can't justify spending that much on a grill no matter how good it might be. Maybe in a few years I can buy a used one.

Hopefully you will get yours soon.
Wayne, thanks!

I wonder if your store in Nixa, Mo would offer free shipping to Delaware? ;)

They are expensive for sure! The good news with them being on back order is in a couple of years you are probably more likely to find one selling on Craiglist at a discount.
Part of what's driving the "shortage", I'm sure, is the novelty factor. It's new, your neighbor nor anyone in your family has one yet, curiosity, the 'Cool factor' of being an early adopter/reviewer, etc.

I'll wait till the hype settles down and MIGHT consider if one shows up on CL at the right price - which is unlikely since I'm ridiculously cheap (ask the Mrs of 18+ years). I will wait patiently and observe the market trend, but keep in mind how asininely high prices of the 1880/14.5" WSM climbed before they were reintroduced a couple of years ago. Something as simple as Chargriller offering a slightly larger version of its Akorn w/gas start could be the catalyst to sending prices in a direction favorable to my frugality. :)
Wayne, thanks!

I wonder if your store in Nixa, Mo would offer free shipping to Delaware? ;)

They are expensive for sure! The good news with them being on back order is in a couple of years you are probably more likely to find one selling on Craiglist at a discount.

The store that I actually saw these grills in was called Pits N Grills in Springfield, MO I did not see these at the Outdoor Home store in Nixa or in Springfield so I don't know if they got any in yet or not.

I've seen some youtube videos of various people cooking with that grill. I gotta say, I'm super jealous. I'm never going to be able to afford one.
I'm still not sure of the one grill that can do it all hype. Even if it was a lot less I still like having what I have now and see no need for anything else at this point.

