Wrapping beef ribs?


Andrew Binkard

New member
I've got a slab of beef ribs on the WSM right now. I'm approaching the time when I usually wrap pork ribs. I've never done beef ribs before... should I wrap and go 3-2-1, or just leave them? They've been on for about two and a half hours at ~250ºF.
I've never wrapped them before. I've made them about 4 times and not had an issue. However, I don't really care for wrapped pork ribs. I typically smoke them 5-6 hours.

Good luck.

Here is a shot of unwrapped ribs that I did a few years ago.
I'll go against the grain here. I like to wrap em, theyre super fatty and you need to get the fat rendered well so the ribs aren't tough/chewy.

I think if you let em go 3 hours before wrapping, you'll maintain a good bark.
I agree with Tim M. they got lots of fat and they would benefit from wrapping, however, you could just let them ride until the fat is rendered down pretty good - then they will be done. I probe them just like you would a brisket. However, your bark could get pretty crusty by that time, unless you got lots of humidty (water pan) in the WSM or save the bark some other way.
I always wrap my ribs, pork or beef it doestn matter. I wrap anything I cook more than 3 hours.

don't lift the lid...

(although you have to in order to wrap the meat... hehe)
Beef ribs have a really thick membrane between the inside meat and bone. If you wrap them, it helps to break it down. I've done them maybe 6 times and never really got that part right. They do take a lot of rub and smoke and are meaty like crazy unless you get overly butchered bones. If I could solve the membrane issue, I'd do them a lot more.

BTW, don't mean the usual bone side membrane which peels easily with beef ribs.

Too late but good luck in future.

