Wrap-up on The Little Red Bullet Project

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Chris Allingham

Staff member
I'm pleased to announce that Capt. Stephen Martin of Somerville, New Jersey was the winning bidder of The Little Red Bullet. His generous bid of $760 goes to The American Red Cross as part of EBay's Auction for America. He took delivery of the cooker on October 25.

I'm also happy to report that my employer, Hewlett-Packard Company, is making a matching donation of $760 to The American Red Cross. In total, The Little Red Bullet helped raise $1,520 for charity!

For background on the project, please see my previous post about this topic.

I second Stogie's comment! Kudos to you for your spectacular accomplishment and to HP for matching the funds.

Do you think Capt. Martin could be persuaded to post some photographs of the Little Red Bullet doing what it does best?

Mmmmm....I could almost "see" that beauty on my deck (sigh.....).


It must of been hard to let that baby go to charity, but for what better cause could it have been? None. As a firm believer in what goes around comes around, you should be winning the CA lottery pretty soon!

Also, kudos to HP for matching funds with you.

Doug W
Strangely, it wasn't that hard to let go of. I always envisioned that it would go to charity, so while I had fun working on it and was proud of how it turned out, I never really got attached to it. It was a little sad to pack it up and send it off, but on the other hand it was nice to get rid of that bright red cooker sitting in the middle of my living room! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Great job! I think it was great of H-P to match your bid.

I live very close to Somerville. I'll try to contact Capt. Martin and go over and see the Bullet.

As te proud owner of the "New Red Bullet", I will be Q-ing this evening & most of tomorrow. 1- Boston Butt 8lbs, 3- Slabs of Baby Back Ribs, & 8- Chicken Breast. I'm taking pictures of everything from receiving meats from my butcher, preping for cooking, to the final product. Once I have the film developed I'll post them on this site. Happy Smoking to one and all.
The Capt. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
Hey, Capt!

I live over in South Brunswick. I'd love to stop by sometime and see the Little Red Bullet, if you'd be kind enough to have me.

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