Would the griddle insert be a waste on a Searwood?



New member
I feel as if it would never really get hot enough, or retain heat well enough to be effective on a pellet grill like the Searwood. Think smashburgers and the like. Has anyone used one of these on a Searwood/Smokfire or similar pellet grill?
i've used the dutch oven lid in my smokefire ex4 as a "small griddle". therefore i placed it in the smokefire, heated up to 300°C and waited ~5min. it did a great job imo. the only "drawback" in comparison to real griddles (no lid) is, that you have the close the sf-lid and dont have the "show" 🙂
Or you could use a cast iron pan if you have one and try it out.
Ha ha. As a matter of fact I did just that this morning. I put a cast iron pan on the lower grate and cranked it up to 575. Left it there for 5 minutes. Then I switched the Searwood to manual mode at level 10 and dropped 1/4 pound of 85/15 ground beef in the and smashed it with a heavy spatula. A couple of minutes on each side and it was done, a reasonably decent smash burger, sort of charred and crispy around the edges and juicy.

For my purposes, that was a successful enough test to warrant giving the griddle a go.
I think everyone has this mistaken idea that a griddle is no good for anything but heating it up to surface of the sun temps. I guess if you're into that only than perhaps it's not quite worth it. But, if you want it for whipping up a whole bunch of breakfast meats, eggs, pancakes and so on. IOW more "practical" uses, then of course it's worth it. Searwood has shown it can get to and maintain some pretty decent temps.
IDK I see it as a totally practical device (providing you have a use/need) for it. Then go for it.
I prefer a cast iron pan, over a griddle on my SmokeFire. I don't want hot oil/grease accumulating in the bottom of my pit. The Searwood looks like it can handle the grease/oil run off much better.

