Would foil on grate reduce smoke impact?


Chuck Tatham

TVWBB Member
One of the things I don't like about the WSM is the grate clean up. I was wondering if when doing a pork butt if putting a sheet of foil under it would reduce the smoke penetration much? I would leave a good amount of room to allow the smoke to come up around the outsides (not foiling the entire grate). I guess where there is direct contact with the foil, not being permeable you would not get smoke to that part but does anyone do this?
I have not put foil down and always shy away from using disposalable baking pans. There are flat things that you can buy that would reduce some clean up. But you did buy your WSM to smoke in and I don't feel that the grates are that hard to clean up.
I don't think you'd notice much difference at all. I know guys who put butts in foil pans for the whole smoke. You may even want to try that!
Don't get me wrong, I am not wussing out here....just have tried to evolve my methods to minimize the parts of the process I find less fun.

I hated moving the thing around....wheels added
Wanted easier temp checking....maverick thermometer, grommet mod and thermapen
Frustrated with getting rid of ashes.... established a place in the tree's to dump them
Found water in the bottom after rain even under cover....wheels now enable it to go to garage easily.
Last thing I want is a genie that will clean the grates :-)
You could use what some of us use under meatloaf.. A piece of parchment paper. Smoke will still work its way through and I used it a few times under butts when they were still a little bit frozen..:wsm:
Just cut it exactly the size you need..


Down here in Texas, I just take my grates when cooled and put them on top of a fire ant bed...after an hour or so, they've picked those suckers clean.:cool:Since you're up there in Canada, I guess the fire ants won't work for you.

Seriously, I think the main effect you might see is a loss of bark formation on the part touching the foil and you might be able to minimize that loss by flipping the butt over for half the cook. Good luck and let us know how it works out.

Down here in Texas, I just take my grates when cooled and put them on top of a fire ant bed...after an hour or so, they've picked those suckers clean.:cool:Since you're up there in Canada, I guess the fire ants won't work for you.

Seriously, I think the main effect you might see is a loss of bark formation on the part touching the foil and you might be able to minimize that loss by flipping the butt over for half the cook. Good luck and let us know how it works out.

I've met those fire ants while golfing in the Austin area! That would be quite the symbiotic relationship.

I think our dogs would do the same but that would be gross :-)

I think I'll just have to suck it up because there is no substitute for good bark and nothing will come between me and it.
Once the cook is done crank up the heat for awhile and then clean off the grates with a brush. Easy peasy.

Quick question... Where will the juices from the meat(s) drain to ?
Maybe my vision of your 'solution' is incorrect.
I always do my pork butts n shoulders in a foil pan. No meat stuck to the grates and I feel like I get plenty of bark and good smoke penetration ....plus all those nice juices are in the pan to do with as I wish.

