Worthless grilling gadgets

I am also a keep it simple guy. The only thing I would use from these choices
would be the fire wires. The rest , no thanks.
That drumstick rack is a very efficient use of space when doing chicken leg quarters!

+1000 on the bear claws for me. I sat one afternoon after making 8 10# butts to pick/pull them. This was for a graduation party last year. Seriously it took me hours to pull all that pork, it was ridiculous. I bought a good set of bear claws and I can get through a 10# butt in like 5 minutes.....its worth its weight in gold. I just wish I would have had the forsight to buy them BEFORE I did the butts last year.....live n learn,,,,
i also think all are basically worthless. i have three of those mentioned and they have been used once. and no longer. just the effort of cleaning them turned me off.
all of them i got really cheap so no real great loss. as you go along you realize you really don't need that much.
OK, I used to think that steaming grill brush thingamabob sold on various websites was the biggest rip off I've seen until I looked at the Steve Raichlen stainless steel grill ring (with SPIKE!!!) - truthfully now, has anybody ever grilled a whole, stinking head of cabbage? REALLY?


I'll give a third thumbs up to the bear paws. Great for shredding butts or lifting large items off the grill/smoker. And I just got a leg/drum rack. Works fine and because its SS,I can just chuck it in the dish washer.
I am also a fan of the meat rakes (similar to bear paws) and would highly recommend anyone planning on cooking a butt to invest in one or the other. I've pulled with the meat rakes and without and I think they are a sound investment.

