Wood question



I have a tree about 4 years old in front of my house which needed trimming (branches) I have no clue what kind of tree it is, though it has leaves shaped like oversized basil leaves. I saved a bunch of the bigger branches. DOes anyone know of a website where I can find out what tree this is or does anyone know what tree wood to avoid?, cause I would love to use the wood in the WSM but have no idea what it would be like.
regarding about.com dont know if i would put much faith in this steve nix guy. I read something he said about lump one time and it was way off base

I have a hickory and white oak in the yard that I do the same thing with. If the limbs are dead and/or rotten don't use it but I take any live branches and cut into chunks on a table saw with the bark left on and leave it laying in the garage for a few months to season. I don't think it needs any real long major seasoning but at least a couple weeks I would guess so all the sap can dry up.


If you can take a picture of the entire tree, the trunk bark, and a leaf and post it I may be able to identify it for you.


