Wood as fuel (?)

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Hello all-

So, according to some websites I've checked out, it seems that a lot of folks use their smoke wood itself as the fuel in their smokers (as opposed to charcoal), and turn their noses up a bit at the notion of charcaol (epecially those briquets!). Now, obviously, these are the real purists who are probably working with large, offset barrel smokers, or even actual smoke houses, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried using just wood in a WSM?
You'd be the first /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ! Just kidding but I don't recall anyone posting on this. Kingsford is the winner by a wide margin, but some do use lump - not me. My guess is that "all" wood would produce way too much smoke in this small environment. I've heard, even with big offsets, they often use foil on the meat at certain points to control the excess smoke flavor which would be created.

A purist is someone who says their's is the only way. If you cook long enough you will learn that is just not the case. Show me a purist and I can show you some who tell you how they are unpure.

Because of pit design a WSM is not built to cook on straight wood (you would have to burn it down to coal at least to make it work). Burning wood down to coals is time consuming and takes a large wood supply. If you have the time and a supply of wood cheap enough to make it work have at it.

The end product is the true test not if you had to burn down a forest to get there.
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