Winter Smoke Pics


Pics look great.

How did you resolve the viewing problem? I've noticed other folks (myself included) have experienced problems showing pics at the HP site. Typically the URL will take you to the logon page for the site only. Seems like you solved that problem.

When you pull up your album select pictures you want to share or click on "select all". On right side you will see Invite and under it click on "Family and Friends". It will take you to a screen where you enter email addresses. Enter your own email address and it will send you the link. This link is your ticket in.

Took me a while to figure it out. Heres another one with some different pics to test again.
It's helpful, when confronted with really long links, to use the URL feature in the posting window. You click the URL button, paste the link into the top line, and a short bit of text, like "Link to photo album", in the bottom line. Then viewers don't have to scroll left-right to read the thread.

This info can also be found in Adding Photos to Forum Posts in the "How To Use TVWB" article linked to at the top of the main forum page.

Yes, that's a good informational resource.

Would be nice if it included Brian's technique (at least in concept) for getting past the login page of the hosting site. Seems like the hosting site has to send you the images' URL - which will include the login name and password.
The guest login URL info should probably be already included in each photo hosting site's how-to's.
Good lookin food there ... I think.
I don't mean to be too critical, but does HP let you select the size of the photo? The image size in that gallery seemed a bit small.

My favorite image hosting site is
They allow hotlinking and will keep your image forever. It even gives you BBcode to paste into forums ...
Like this.

Edit: Ok, so I did it backwards that time.
Sorry for the dial up users. But it was kinda meant to be the best of both worlds. ... a nice thumbnail gallery, with links to hi-res pics.
Scott, At the bottom right corner there is a place to change the size.

Bill, I made the table. If you do a search in the mods forum under "cedar table" you will find discussion about it. I do not have a drawing, but if you need further help let me know. If you also want pics I can send them.

