Wind Screen


Mike BBQ

New member
I live in the cold North East and it gets windy in the winter so I needed a wind screen and built one.
I used 1/2 in plywood the sides are 2 foot wide and 4 foot high put 3 door hinges on it to connect the two pieces of plywood. The hinges allow it to be folded in 1/2 for storage and transport. I did put a nice 1/4 round edge on the plywood and sanded it for safe handling dont need any splinters. I have used it once and it worked great if I do say so, kept my temp right at 250 for 3 hrs like I needed, unlike other times it was windy and all I did was fight the temp. Hope this is of help to others.
Smoke On


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Been using one similar for two years now, I’ve tweaked it with a “roof” and some other conveniences, it’s a very helpful bit of gear!
The lights in the first picture were quick and dirty set up, the ones from sunset is a solar plight from Costco, but, the collector didn’t get a lot of sun and didn’t last as long as is normal.
It has been a bit rainy lately so, I blocked the bottom up on three bricks to avoid excess moisture wicking up the planks. I tend to overthink this kind of thing but, so far it’s been very helpful when the wind kicks up. It’s been lashed to the deck when the wind really kicks up and now It can’t blow over, it did once but, I wasn’t smoking at the time and the WSM was in the garage.
I might take some, “current” pictures including the handle, John Wayne opener, accessory locations if I remember. Time to look in on the brisket!
Daylight pictures:
1-General overview
2- J.W. Opener, hanging spot for modified “3 stick“ contraption
3- Left side with skewers for probing, shovel, long fork(gift from my Dad 35 years ago)
4-“Contraption laid out.
5- Lashing arrangement for stiffer wind, like last night.


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