Wind Breakers... how high?


Khanh Hoang

I finally realized having a WSM 18.5" on the balcony is not such a good idea, my temperature goes nuts.. Here in Southern CA, we don't have a lot of land, so some homes like mine are three stories...

I'm in the process of making a wind breaker... how high do you guys think I should make it? my thoughts are to have it at least 6 inches higher than the bottom vents...
I grabbed some insulation board 4 feet high, it worked great and lightweight but will probably not hold up for a long time

I bought mine at lowes. It was 4' high by 25' roll and I just used the whole thing to make it 4 layers thick. I would imagine home depot have same stuff. Found in the insulation aisle. Called reflex or something like that. Then I cut a whole so my Guru fan could still plug in.

What I have found is that in the past when i would do a cook in the cold I would use 1/2 chimney of lit coals but with this reflex on I am over shooting my temps because it stays so insulated. Next time will do 12-15 lit briquettes like I do in the summer.

Only thing I may change is to cut this down just below the lid so I can still access the food. As of right now this fits like a glove and I can't take lid of so I have to pull reflex off to take food off or check it.

Let me know if you find it.
I just checked Lowes and it is call reflectix insulation and more important it has a class 1 fire rating which means it is highly resistant to ignition
My wife is a fire buff, her Uncle was on Boston Fire in the 1930's to 40's. I few years ago I bought her an antique mini-pumper and then gave her a second Federal Q for one of anniversaries. She can't drive it as it is a standard (4x4) so I get to drive it. This me with it and then her with it, and we built a garage to hold it.


