Wind break for WSM.


scott schoppert

New member
Whats up guys, first I want to thank everyone for graciously sharing all their knowledge and wisdom on this forum and for my mentor who got me started in the life long art of smoking. First off I want to start with how much I enjoy firing up the smoker for long pulled pork and other big cuts of meats. Second living in South Dakota the prairie wind can really become strong, basically it doesn't blow it sucks, no pun intended. So as I was brain storming for ideas on how to create a cheap but permanent wind shelter and storage area for my smoker I was wandering thru Menards and found privacy fencing on sale purchased 2 panels 8 X 6 cut in half and anchored in the ground with some landscape posts laying around. I will test it out on monday beings I'm smoking brisket for the office, running home on monday during my lunch break firing up the smoker minion method and letting smoke all the way to tuesday morning. Let me kno
w what you all think of my "creation" thanks.
Sorry about that I thought I could post the images from my google email link, let me research where folks post pics and I'll update, thanks.
Of course it has four sides and I have yet to attach hinges to the door, because on these windy prairie days "20 to 30" mph winds all day I basically needed to keep it enclosed. The brisket which I brought in for the office pot luck went so quick it looked like a pack of wild dogs during a feeding frenzy, defiantly the best Q I have brought in so far. I might have had it on for too long since I stated it on my lunch break 1pm minion method threw some more smoke wood on and then restoked the coals at 9pm before bed. Took the brisket off around 6am rested sliced at 8 and served at 12, it was 13 pounds raw, carved off alot of fat maybe too much will leave more on next time but still some of the best Q I have produced and the wind break helped keep the temps right at the 225-250 range for 16+ hours, I'll throw my wireless thermometer in next time to keep an eye on her but other than that I look forward to smoking year round, thanks for all the help through the years.

