At the conclusion of Jamie's Q&A session on April 26, his publisher will be giving away an autographed copy of Weber's Ultimate Grilling by random drawing from those who post messages in this Q&A. Just post and you're automatically entered!

Hi Clint, so glad you said that. I have been wanting to post my list for quite a while. Please forgive my bragging. lol
My first book in my Weber collection is not by Jamie, but I want to list it anyway.
Elegant Fare from the Weber Kettle by Jane Wood - Pub. 1977
And Jamie Purviance books in alphabetical order:
Art of the Grill - 1999
Big Book of Burgers - 2014
Big Book of Grilling - 2001
Charcoal Grilling - 2001
Chicken & Sides - 2010
New American Barbecue - 2016
New Real Grilling - 2013
Real Grilling - 2005
Steaks & Sides - 2010
Time to Grill - 2011
Way to Grill - 2008
I just love these books. I hope someday to have all of them. I have been posting little by little recipes from these books that we have tried. Still have a lot more to go, but people here don't seem interested, but I'll keep posting lol!!
Clint, did I miss any that you have?