Wild Turkey Breast



TVWBB Super Fan
My neighbor has a wild turkey breast his frien said to soak in buttermilk and fry. I thinking birne like Keri's apple honey and indirect. What temp should I shoot for. Any other sugestions.
Thanks always use the digital therm. I have a hard time reading the others kinda like a digital clock.

Collards are looking good and the white acres are getting there.
Originally posted by dsitterson:
My neighbor has a wild turkey breast his frien said to soak in buttermilk and fry. I thinking birne like Keri's apple honey and indirect. What temp should I shoot for. Any other sugestions.

Keris brine will be great for smoking, but NOT for frying! Tooo much sugar.
Thanks,,,did indirect on the grill turned out good a little tough made up some gravy with the drippings and some butter. Neighbor loved it. Only got one shot gun pellet,
Did that wild turkey breast taste different compared to the farm raised turkey that you buy at the store? When I first saw the title to your post I thought that you might want to inject a turkey breast with some Wild Turkey bourbon.
Originally posted by Bob H.:
Did that wild turkey breast taste different compared to the farm raised turkey that you buy at the store? When I first saw the title to your post I thought that you might want to inject a turkey breast with some Wild Turkey bourbon.
As a used to be a avid turkey hunter and having shot my fair share of them in my life time, yes they do taste different than a farm raised one, for the better though, IMO. They are quite lean though so you have to be careful not to over cook them. Where I used to hunt them they fed on Beechnuts and where quite tastey. Way better than a store bought turkey.
I thought the taste was good but could have been more tender. I would eat it again. My neigbor bought it over at 2pm and I marinated it for about 3 hours then cooked in on the kettle over indect heat. Pulled at let it rest. More flavor than a store bought bird. My wife does not eat anything that someone shoots or catches and she ate some.

