wild hog meat.


John WH

New member
I can't find wild hogs mentioned on this forum anywhere.I did a search and didn't get any results.My son killed a 520lb hog a couple of months ago and I would like to smoke some ribs we got from it.The meat is very lean and I wonder if it would be good for smoking.We had some processed into breakfast sausage and when it is cooked there is absolutly no grease left in the pan.Here in Texas the wild hogs are taking over,and they are pretty easy to hunt.If anyone has had any experience smoking this little monster I would really appreciate any information you could pass on. thanks, JohnWH
Welcome to the forum John!

Can't help you myself, but do a search for 'wild boar' or just 'boar' and some posts should show up.
Welcome John,

I haven't personally smoked wild hog, but have eaten it several times. Last summer I had ribs and they were lean but tasty. I would imagine you could treat it just like commercial pork except keeping in mind the leaness. The lack of fat will make it easier to over cook the meat and render it dry; think pork loin. I put in a request with a former co-worker to set aside some feral hog meat next time he gets some. He's started his own business in capturing feral hogs in central Tx.


