A lot of chicken BBQ recipes suggest putting dry rub on halved chickens. However, BBQ chicken is infamous for having rubbery tasting skin unless you crisp it over the coals. If some of us just end up tossing the skin on the chicken, why bother wasting dry rub on it? Does it still permeate and all flavor to the meat? Or does it act as an insulator to the meat, keep moisture in? Would it make sense to put the dry rub on bare breasts? (insert joke here in three, two, one...)
I just bring this up because I just cooked four chickens, used a lot of rub on the skin, and just ended up peeling it off and throwing it out anyway.
I just bring this up because I just cooked four chickens, used a lot of rub on the skin, and just ended up peeling it off and throwing it out anyway.