Who refills there 1 lb. bottles?


Tim McCann

TVWBB Honor Circle
Who refills there 1 lb. propane bottles with one of those adapters? Do they work? Is it worth the time? Or should I start looking into converting my performer into a regular size BBQ tank? How many uses are you guys getting out of a 1 lb. bottle?
Tim I don't refill but I can tell you I get a LOT of starts from each tank. I typically burn for six minutes to start the coals. The grill is used an average of four times a week BTW.
Thanks guys! Got 3 tanks, that should get me by for awhile I guess. I think it's maiden voyage will be this weekend.
I've seen it not work if it's too cold.
I got an adapter hose and use a big tank on my Performer. I have found that even an "empty" large tank will give me a ton of charcoal starts on the Performer.
I've seen it not work if it's too cold.
I got an adapter hose and use a big tank on my Performer. I have found that even an "empty" large tank will give me a ton of charcoal starts on the Performer.

Ditto the empty large tank and adapter hose. I also fill my three small tanks so If I use my Q out of the yard I don't have to lug a big tank with me. But as someone said in cold temps sometimes the gas won't flow into the little tank.
Tim I don't refill but I can tell you I get a LOT of starts from each tank. I typically burn for six minutes to start the coals. The grill is used an average of four times a week BTW.
Ditto this.
I probably only go about 3 minutes, just enough to get the bottom coals going, this gives me time to finish the meat prep, if need be.

