Who is doing there own Fathers day cooking ?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jerry P.:
I'll be smoking my own loin back ribs which is exactly how I want it. Just like last week when I made beef ribs and an angel food cake for my birthday. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Man too bad I don't have more friends and family with that attitude
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Andy_E:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jerry P.:
I'll be smoking my own loin back ribs which is exactly how I want it. Just like last week when I made beef ribs and an angel food cake for my birthday. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Man too bad I don't have more friends and family with that attitude

My wife is a living saint who works full time, takes care of our 2 small daughters and puts up with me so I was more than happy to do my own birthday cooking. Plus, I make really good angel food cake. Google Alton Brown angel food cake to get the recipe. I highly recommend it.
I did last year. It was murder out there. Like 96 and 100% humidity here in St. Louis. I took three dips in the pool while grilling. I did ribs, brisket and chickens.

This year I'm still doing it, just a lot more mellow. Doing some pork steaks and brats. That's it...
I think I am ready to do Father's day cook again.

3 years ago I did Ribs and Chicken. Chicken was under cooked and I gave myself Campylobacter. (ie Botolism)

I lost 13 pounds and 2 weeks of work, 104 fevers and missed the Police/Foo Fighters at Dodger Stadium!

Luckly I was the only one eating that bird.
Could have been fatal to elderly and infants who were in attendance.

Please learn from my mistake. Therma-pen poultry and Pork. Clean cutting boards and counter tops with bleach mixture.

This year ribs only.

I work until 3:30 that day, so it will be grilled Ribeye, grilled Asperguts and red potatoes. And a nice bottle of Merlot!

And I am doing the cooking!!!
It's BEEF Ribs for Del and I. I get my beef at a local Ranch & Slaughter House and just order up untrimmed BEEF Ribs. Those Baby's are more affectionately know as "Steak on a Stick" and its about all you can do to get through two ribs a meal. Picked em up today and man am I ready. Good cooking to you all on Fathers Day. Bob
Combination FD and college graduations being celebrated with a mixed grill. I'll be killing some shrimp and pork as my contribution/grill time.
My 3 daughters will be coming over to cook for me. The choices were meat loaf or chicken alfredo, I went for the meat loaf.
I'm observing FD tomorrow, on Saturday, and having my father and stepmother down. Having a 'short smoke' tomorrow with pork tenderloin, sausage, and my first attempt at ATB's. Excited about it!

Potato salad, BBQ beans, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Happy Me Day
I'm doing my Fathers Day cook today. Throwing a couple slabs of baby backs in the smoker with some corn on the cob. Might put some baked beans in as well.
I actually have both of my kids home today.
Smoking some Dinosaur Bones. (Whole Beef ribs)
2 racks takes up the Weber! Pics will be posted later.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Gary H, NJ: I'm originally from Yonkers, NY, Westchester County. Enjoy Fathers day! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thanks Richard. My wife and I were at Croton's Point (Westchester Cnty) earlier today for the Clearwater River Revival Festival. Beautiful area -- right on the Hudson River looking out to the palisades.
Two of my three sons took me and my out to dinner today. The third is in Africa and could not be present. While I like cooking myself, this was a great present. Any time you can be with your family is a great time!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Zeke:
I think I am ready to do Father's day cook again.

3 years ago I did Ribs and Chicken. Chicken was under cooked and I gave myself Campylobacter. (ie Botolism)

Please learn from my mistake. Therma-pen poultry and Pork. Clean cutting boards and counter tops with bleach mixture.

This year ribs only.

Robert </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

yeah, I was going to say "Darn kids didn't buy you a thermapen for fathers day?"

After every meat prep I spray down the surfaces with Lysol - which is easier than preparing a bleach mixture and is quite effective against any kind of pathogens.

I had a bunch of cousins having a family reunion so I had a good excuse to smoke a butt and a brisket. The brisket turned out amazing (it was a great cut - fantastic marbling and very nice fat cap)

Yeah, I wouldn't have it any other way. When it comes to food... I think in lieu of going to a restaurant or having someone cook something for me, I can use fathers day for an excuse to splurge on more expensive cuts.

aged prime porterhouse would be nice... if I could find anywhere locally to get such nice cuts that is.
I had both sides of the family over and did brisket, ribs and some sausage. I tried the recipe for brisket out of Adam Perry Lang's book BBQ 25. I thought the brisket was amazing if I do say so myself. I think it was the best way to spend fathers day doing what you love with the people who are most important.
Smoked some lovely tri tip yesterday along with some chicken breasts

Gotta say tri tip is fast becoming one of my favorite smokes. Relatively quick with a 5 min sear (grate placed directly over charcoal ring) to bring it to perfection. I've done 3 in the past 2 weeks - all with rave reviews.
I was up in Frisco Colorado for their BBQ competition on Friday and Sat. Couldn't talk the family into a 3rd day of smokin. But I had said my ideal father's day would involve charcoal because it's fun!! Wife got a big pack of NY Strips on sale and I cooked 'em up using recipe from this post on here:
Steaks w/Chipotle butter

Good stuff! I think I'll plan a SAT celebration for next year.

