Who cooking their own Father's Day Meal?

I made it back from Iraq, safe-and-sound (1st post since getting back)!

I have a butt on (since last night about 2100) and 3 racks of ribs (since 1100)!

We have friends coming over so we are feeding a few. One of the families dad is deployed to Baharain so I'm now the "adopted Dad"!

Glad to be back and a happy Daddy day to all!

i just rubbed some pork tenderloins with dizzy pig's redeye express and put them on the OTG with some apple wood chunks
I also went the surf and turf road. Medium rare filets and some incredible fresh shrimp on the grill. I brought the shrimp back from the beach yesterday, as fresh as fresh could be, peeled with a little EVOO, salt, pepper and Old Bay, and about one minute pure side. For the first time in a LONG time I couldn't eat all my filet, but the special shrimp made the difference. I've tried grilling shrimp for 10 years and never grilled one I cared to eat. Not tonight! Delicious! Seeing my children and wife love the meal made my Father's Day a success. I hope you all had a similar great day of food, family and fellowship.
I did a two rib prime rib in the WSM. Used oak for the smoke. It was delicious. Served it with mashed potatoes and brussell sprouts.
My father's day meal came almost exclusively from posts and topics on the website.

Three porterhouse steaks using the salt technique (best steaks I've ever grilled).

Smoked gourmet sausages, and smoked baked beans that I mixed with grilled corn and peppers.

Thanks for all the great suggestions, it was a fantabulous meal (if I do say so myself). Oh and it was all cooked in the Nor'easter we've been having in New England.

