Where to buy pheasant for TurkeyDay?



New member
Hey guys and gals:

Looking to smoke a pheasant or two for my thanksgiving feast, in addition to the traditional oven roasted turkey. Was wondering where I might be able to get some unsmoked pheasant for smoking? Does Whole Food have them? Anyone recommend an online site to order from?

Thanks in advance for the help!


OK now you know where to buy the birds. I will give you a little unsolicited advice on smoking your pheasant.

Pheasant will dry out the breast meat much faster than a chicken or a duck. Think about cutting it in to pieces
like leg, thigh breast and wing. Then you can pull the white meat when its ready and let the dark meat finish.
I like to bring the smoker temps up near 325 at the end of the cook for crispier skin. You could also inject the
white meat with a creole butter solution, or just brine if thats all you want to experiment.
Pheasant can be superb eating, but I can't emphasize enough make certain that you do not overcook it.

One more thing, apple wood works very well, often hickory will overpower the flavor and take over.
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