When to add pulled pork to chili?


Benny V

New member
This Friday is our "pot luck" at work where everyone brings a dish before Christmas to snack on all day. I decided I'd make up some chili and add pulled pork as one of the meats in it. I'm just wondering when I should add the pork. I already smoked the pork butt this past weekend, pulled it and then put it in the freezer until I need it. I'm going to make the chili in the crock pot over night so it will be on low for ~8 hours, should I just throw the pulled pork in to cook in there overnight or is that a bad idea since its already cooked? I can also just throw it in in the morning when I wake up so it has time to warm up in the chili, I just thought it may be better to do it overnight so all the flavors can mix together more.
Assuming the Chili is seasoned the way you want........your PP is already seasoned with rub/bark............I would add close to the end.

I think it would be better to have a less mushy texture in your final product.

Too many times I see folks overcooking PP in sauce/chili, etc. and the meat ends up just being mushy and flavorless (more or less conveying the taste of the sauce as opposed to the meat).
While the pork doesn't need to cook again, you are correct that it would be beneficial to have the flavors meld more. Overnight in the CrockPot might be a bit much, especially if the temp isn't very low.

The chili you're making (without the pork) would also benefit from time. I'd suggest making the chili sooner, say, tonight, tomorrow or the next day. Add the pork during the last hour or two. When done, remove to chili from the pot, cool before refrigeration, then fridge it. This will give some time for all the flavors to blend better. Reheat either at home first, transferring to the CrockPot to bring to work, or reheat at work if there is time there.
While the pork doesn't need to cook again, you are correct that it would be beneficial to have the flavors meld more. Overnight in the CrockPot might be a bit much, especially if the temp isn't very low.

The chili you're making (without the pork) would also benefit from time. I'd suggest making the chili sooner, say, tonight, tomorrow or the next day. Add the pork during the last hour or two. When done, remove to chili from the pot, cool before refrigeration, then fridge it. This will give some time for all the flavors to blend better. Reheat either at home first, transferring to the CrockPot to bring to work, or reheat at work if there is time there.

This is a good idea and I agree making it ahead of time is probably the smarter option as far as flavors go. Thanks for the suggestions.
I make chili with smoked brisket. It gets better the longer they are together. After I sautee my onions, peppers and garlic I add it to my smoked brisket and then start on the sauce.

