Hi All What would be the best size wheels for 22 WSM, that has to be moved on grass. I was at Home depot today looking at the wheels for my WSM, so many to chose from.
Also best way to attch them to the WSM?
Thanks Dan
I have an 18.5" that I am going to put casters on.
I hemmed and hawed about which size...2"...2-1/2"
Then I saw someone who did 3"
After much deliberation, I think that's the perfect size for a WSM, especially if rolling over uneven terrain.
Then what type of wheel and type of locking mechanism ?
I was not thrilled with HD's offerings so I searched.
After a little research I knew I wanted "Total Lock" and not the common side lock.
Total Lock gives you two things that the side lock cannot...
1) Easy access because the locking lever is on top not on the side.
Total Lock locks the wheel AND the swivel, not just the wheel.
Also found a US company that makes the perfect caster for the WSM...
These feature a large diameter bearing and the overall construction is top shelf.
I have the casters in hand but have not installed yet.