What's your trick to get to and keep 225?

J Hoke.
Every one has a different opinion on measuring temps.
Find a happy medium, and go with it. I'm a top-venter and I get consistent results which is all that counts.(to me)

I have three drill bits I use to balance my vents 3/8" 5/16" and a 1/4". I balance them as I like lump but found the odd time a burn out would occur in one part so I thought the oxygen from all would create a more even burn. I do try to pack it in tight. I'm able to stay around 230 regardless it's just a matter of the other prevailing conditions. I tend to adjust all three vents at the same time unles there is a strong wind from one direction and I will close that down. I also now have a second dome damper as well.
When it come to my smoker I am a type A personality. Total Control!

