What's your trick to cleaning SS grates?


Steve Sampson

New member
Question for some of you rehabbers out there - what is the best way to clean the Stainless Steel grates in some of the Genesis / Summit grills? I have seen some of your projects come out with nearly new looking grates and wondering if there is a trick to get all the baked on carbon off of these things. I've tried power washing, some "grill cleaner" sprays, etc. - but nothing seems to work. Is there any way to get them back to that smooth / silver appearance after a couple years of use? Perhaps soaking in some kind of solution or any miracle degreasers / sprays that you've used with good results? Thank you!
Regardless if you are talking about the SS solid rod grates or the SS stamped ones, I would grab a bottle of grill cleaner ( I like Sams Club grill cleaner) and put the grates in the bottom of a tupperware container just big enough to lay them flat in it. Then put the whole bottle in with the grates and let it sit at least a day. Then scrub them down with some HD steel wool and if they still need help, a wire wheel on a drill should do it.

On my rehabs, I always put a new set of SS solid rod grates, so I don't do a whole lot of grate cleaning. But, I have found that method above to work when I needed it to.
Thanks! Just curious - what do you pay for solid rod grates? The ones I’ve seen are around $100 set - which is pretty pricey for a rehab project (for me anyway)
Regardless if you are talking about the SS solid rod grates or the SS stamped ones, I would grab a bottle of grill cleaner ( I like Sams Club grill cleaner) and put the grates in the bottom of a tupperware container just big enough to lay them flat in it. Then put the whole bottle in with the grates and let it sit at least a day. Then scrub them down with some HD steel wool and if they still need help, a wire wheel on a drill should do it.

On my rehabs, I always put a new set of SS solid rod grates, so I don't do a whole lot of grate cleaning. But, I have found that method above to work when I needed it to.
Hey Bruce,

how long do the solid stainless grates usually last? I’m considering a set for my Gen 2000 build. Just as Steve mentioned though, they are pricey. Wonder if it’s worth the cost in the long run.
I just want to get a word in wedge-wise here...Sam's Club GC goes away quickly, like all them scrubbing bubbles got somewhere else to go. A tight fitting lid might help. It's also corrosive as hell (it will tarnish the plating on a grade 5 bolt and dull cast aluminum) and it will burn the crap out of you if you get it on your hands, feet, legs, heaven help you if you get it in your eyes. It is lye, and it feels greasy if you put it between your fingers, and it takes plenty of water to rinse away. It is good stuff, though, and I love it and I use it on everything, even the printed plastic parts, and it does a terrific job, but please, treat it with respect.

Steel wool rusts. I use a stainless steel scrub pad...they are useful in this application, and cheap.

And I should say, I have much respect for Bruce and his opinions.

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I think any set of SS rod grates will last at least a decade if not two. If you get high quality SS solid rod grates from a source such as RCPlanebuyer, they will outlast a lot of owners. I have a set and am 58. I fully expect them to outlast me as long as I have a grill to put them on.

Thanks! Just curious - what do you pay for solid rod grates? The ones I’ve seen are around $100 set - which is pretty pricey for a rehab project (for me anyway)
If you want a good cost effective set of SS rod grates, then I would suggest these:
or for an even more cost concious set:
I think any set of SS rod grates will last at least a decade if not two. If you get high quality SS solid rod grates from a source such as RCPlanebuyer, they will outlast a lot of owners. I have a set and am 58. I fully expect them to outlast me as long as I have a grill to put them on.

If you want a good cost effective set of SS rod grates, then I would suggest these:
or for an even more cost concious set:

A little scary that the Qlimetal and the Hisencn grates posted above show the SAME pictures :oops: ! When I did my review, there was a big difference between the two (13 rods Hisencn vs 16 rods per grate Qlimetal and better workmanship on the Qlimetal). If they are the same grate now, things have really changed and the Hisencn ones would represent a great bargain. I am still skeptical...

A little scary that the Qlimetal and the Hisencn grates posted above show the SAME pictures :oops: ! When I did my review, there was a big difference between the two (13 rods Hisencn vs 16 rods per grate Qlimetal and better workmanship on the Qlimetal). If they are the same grate now, things have really changed and the Hisencn ones would represent a great bargain. I am still skeptical...

Thanks for that write up, Jon. It really helps in deciding. The Gen 2000 I am currently building is going to be my personal grill and so I think I will probably go with the grates from rcplanebuyer. I am so sick of low quality grills so maybe that is pushing me in the total opposite direction and wanting to build a grill I will enjoy cooking on.
You can't do better than Dave Santana (rcplanebuyer). There are some decent alternatives for a good deal less money, and I would rate the BBQParts.com a very close second. But if you are OK with the price, Dave's are #1 in my book and will make you very, very happy.
Thanks for that write up, Jon. It really helps in deciding. The Gen 2000 I am currently building is going to be my personal grill and so I think I will probably go with the grates from rcplanebuyer. I am so sick of low quality grills so maybe that is pushing me in the total opposite direction and wanting to build a grill I will enjoy cooking on.
I would consider a set of flavorizer bars from him as well. They are reasonably priced for the Genesis 1000-5000 and are the same high quality 304 stainless steel in 16 gauge. You do a go rehab on your grill, put the RCP bars and grates in there and likely, the only thing you will have to replace is the igniter and maybe burner tubes for a very long time. And if you buy them together, he can combine shipping.

