What's your throw-down dish? *****



TVWBB Diamond Member
So after tonight's tri-tip, which has to be about my 1,000 tri-tip I've decided my throw down dish has to be my tri-tip or my ribs (according to the SO). I'm curious, what's your throw down dish? I honestly don't know how Bobby Flay could show-up and beat my tri-tip or my ribs. I'm using a Kevin K. rub on my ribs that's just out of this world.

Come on Guys and Gals, what's your throw down dish!
I'm guessing you mean on a grill or WSM? Hmmm, all my stuff is off the hook.


If you mean anything, then I'd like to change my answer.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Donny Anderson:
Is Kevin's rub on the site somewhere? If so, could you provide a link?
Donny </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I'm not Larry thank God
but here's the link. KK's rib rub.
Bryan, you're right, it's hell being me. And BINGO on the rib rub. I'll be doing these tomorrow.
In the year I've had my WSM,the one thing people love and ask for is PP,or Phil-b-que as I call it. On the grill,it doesn't matter that much,except my wife's best friend asks for grilled corn with garlic-cilantro butter ALL the time. So that's my story,and I'm sticking to it!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by george curtis:

Hi george,

I've long noticed your signature. Do you really eat a lot of and/or really enjoy SPAM? I kind of like Spam occasionally. My sister's throw-down dish, many years ago, probably would have been Spam and bean sandwiches--sliced Spam on hot dog buns covered with pork and beans and American cheese and broiled in the oven. I really liked them as a youth, but not so much anymore. I wonder if I've changed or if Spam has changed.

yep, i eat spam regularly.
mostly in noodle soup, musubi and spam and egg sammies. i do smoke them occasionaly. the hot dog bun thing is my next try, yummy.
My signature dish is one that I call Rich Man/Poor Man. I use a double pronged skewer and start with a chunk of fresh pineapple, next a piece of Ribeye about 1 inch square, followed by another chunk of pineapple, then a piece of Vidalia onion, then a 1 inch piece of a decent quality all beef hot dog, I use Ball Park, followed by another piece of onion, then the pineapple and Ribeye combo and repeat until you fill the skewer. Once in a while I will marinate the Ribeye first, but it is usually so flavorful that I skip the marinade. Give it a try, it makes for an interesting mix of flavors, and smells great while cooking.
It wasn't intentional, but I guess I would have to say the old faithful Hog Apple Beans.

Off-grill, does cornbread and beans count? (Or maybe that's just because I've been in a cornbread-n-beans mood here lately.)

Keri C, Hot Wire BBQ
Still smokin' on Tulsa Time
In my case it's my Chili Verde, which I use smoked butt and usually smoke/roast my tomatillo's and many peppers.
Would have to be grilled rib-eyes (with my meat coming from my favorite butcher shop, Mr. P's (Charles Pilliteri) in Bluff Park, Alabama, just up the hill from my house), or my smoked pulled pork, but I'm getting awful CLOSE on my smoked loin back ribs!


