What's is on your Weber Christmas list?

A co-worker (Secret Santa) gave me a Weber bag of Mesquite chunks. I think it was a hint I need to bring a batch of chicken legs to work again...

But I have permission to get a Guru before Spring and I get to attend another class (did Paul Kirk's last year).
The CI dutch oven from Ikea turned out to be a clay dutch oven. Supposedly,when you soak it then cook in it,it keeps the food moist by releasing steam. I'll let y'all know how it works.
Got an update. Took $25 I got in the family's annual dirty santa game and ordered a slide aside from amazon. Got the wife a kindle also. I did remember to go through the site too.
My wife bought me a Performer and a Stok Tower from the Home Depot clearances. I fired up the Performer with the Stok grate system last night, I really like it.
Also an update-

Got two Slide asides and a couple of packs of Weber starter cubes.

Waiting to exchange gifts with Mom until next weekend. Was going to buy another digital thermo from Thermoworks (but not a Thermapen), and the budget committee said to wait until after we exchange gifts with Mom. I asked if Mom was getting me a Thermapen and I got no answer besides waiting for Mom's gift.

There may be a Thermapen in my future.
Got a Weber rib rack for Christmas and a Penzeys gift box. Nothing major but any barbecue gift is better than no barbecue gift.
I got my performer that I have always wanted. It was on clearance at HD. I told my wife I will get rid of 1 of my 5 other webers if I can get that performer. Bye bye old 22 inch ots kettle!

