Whats Cookin!

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Dale Perry

Hey folks. Was wondering who and what was cooking this weekend. I am doing a smoked taco flavored meatloaf later today. Its one of those throw together and see what happens recipes. I am going to experiment with meatballs too just to see if they are worthy of serving as appetizers for the Holidays.
7lb pork butt on the WSM right now (175 internal) and 3 ribeyes on the Silver B tonight for a buddy of mine who is going to Iraq!
Starting an 8 lb. butt later this evening to be ready for Sunday afternoon football. Trying out the Texas BBQ Rub #2.

Going to not be impatient this time and let it get up to 205 before I take it off.

A sweet potato.

(Gotta learn how to use my guru before I do the 20 Lb chuck roll and 16 lb brisket next weekend.)
Put a 18.3 lb Chuck Roll on at 7:45 pm lastnight with #2 Rub. It's been in the hands of the Guru ever since. Replying from work so i can't give you temps. Woke up this morning got ready for work walked out and kicked the legs of the WSM opened the access door dump in some lump and went to work. Like i've said many times before $60.00 for the Ramp mode is money well spent. Bryan
Three 7 lb butts on now rubbed with a variation of this rib rub to have tomorrow for a friend's 70th birthday here on the ranch. Grilled fresh-picked corn-on-the-cob, cole slaw, potato salad, mac an cheese, spinach fritters, red beans with andouille, carrots with bacon-onion dip, broccoli with yogurt dip, sliced beefsteaks, rolls and a few sauces for the pork. Hope no one's on the Atkin's. Rib-eyes tonight.
6 pork butts totalling about 45 lbs, cole slaw, baked beans, potato salad and Keri's corn bread. Did about three skillets of corn bread so far and have one more to do, but ran out of eggs so the wife is at the store.
If I can ever get to the store, I plan on cooking some ribs. It'll be my first time with the WSM. Probably try and do 6 slabs, 3 rolled and skewered, and 3 in a rack. I'll be using a Redi-Check thermometer and wondered what the best placement (top or bottom grate) for the probes would be? I'm using the Guru eyelet to run my wires thru. I'm thinking the top grate for both probes, meat and grate temps. Is that correct? Will there be much difference in done times between the top and bottom grates? Any other suggestions would be, well, "grate"! Thanks again.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rick Kramer:
and wondered what the best placement (top or bottom grate) for the probes would be?


Put both probes on top regardless of meat placement. I, too, do 6 racks on top. But do whatever works best for you. Remember not to put the grate probe too close to the edge of the grate or you'll get a higher reading from the heat that travels up the WSM's side. (Frankly, I don't use the meat probe when doing ribs as there's not really a reliable place to put it. I just go by time, checking after 5.5-6 hours and gauging from there how much longer they'll be.)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
Rick, I always try to do my ribs on the top! I have gotten 6 full slabs on the top before!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Id love to see a pic of that. I have a hard time fitting 3 racks on just one shelf. SO technically you could do 12 racks of ribs? that would be a WSM record I do believe. Do you have any pics? I would love to know how to do it.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Al Silverman:
Check this out for how to do a lot of ribs at once. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm doing a couple of butts this weekend. They went on around 7:00.

10:30 now and the wsm seems stable. Time for some shut eye.
I've got 'Chuckie' in the WSM. I went to a local Irish pub, stoped at a friends, better go check on 'Chuckie' soon.
The 'Bumble Bees' (Guinness and Boddingtons) are buzzing.
Well, its Monday morning... 'Chuckie' took 28 hrs to cook. Where's that BBQ Guru phone number? Everyting went well, and meat tasted good. Got plenty left over. There was only three of us eating on a 19 lbs Chuck Roll. Along with chips and salsa, artichoke dip, baked beans, red beans and rice, slaw, and cherry pie. I had several sauces to go on the meat (a sampling of styles), made the white sauce recipe that John Mason had posted awhile back when I questioned a sauce for chuck roll.

BTW: O'l my gosh... the amount of fat that rendered out of that thing! Had sand in the pan (still not sold), at least an inch of grease in the top of the sand pan. Really glad I had that much room in my foiled depression or it could have been messy.
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