What would cause this?



TVWBB Member
It's not uncommon to see this on older kettles, but it doesn't happen on every kettle. It's as if the bond between the weld and the porcelain enamel finish is weak, and with repeated heat/cool cycles, the porcelain cracks, rust develops, and the porcelain comes off in those spots. In fact, every spot where there's a weld is susceptible to rust...there the handle meets the lid, where the leg brackets meet the bowl, etc.

I've seen examples of trying to match the color using high-temp paint, but the results are not always great, especially on red kettles. If I were worried about rust, I might be tempted to remove any rust on those spots, mask around each dot, and hit it with a little black high-temp spray paint...but then your kettle will look like a lady bug! I think a lot of guys would do nothing about these spots, just consider them "age spots". :)
I just picked up a Green OTG kettle off Craigslist for 25 bucks, what a steal! But, it also has a couple "age spots" similar to this. I did sand those down and spray them, but only because i had the paint.

I wouldn't think this would change the performance all that much and I hope to get a couple years out of the unit i picked up this weekend. Ill have to upload a picture of the find when I have time.
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I would like to buy this red master touch, but am a bit concerned about the enamel coming off on the outside of the bowl where the tack welds are made on the inside for the charcoal and cooking grate support tabs. Have you guys seen this and what would cause this? Will rust develop and spread over time? How can I fix this, if even possible? Thanks guys.


As Chris said, this is quite common on the red kettles. But still, that's in nice shape and would be a good one to add to the stable. :)
If you do decide to paint go with red caliper paint, instead of engine or grill paint. Higher temperature tolerance, though still susceptible to failure over repeated heat cycles.

Mask the good areas VERY well and go with several thin coats, instead of fewer heavier ones.
Thanks for all the helpful reponses. It's a beautiful grill despite the flawed enamel blemishes. The lid looks pristine. I am considering it, but $75 is a bit steep I think. Will see if I can talk down the guy a bit. I've always wanted a red kettle and this may be the one.
Did you get it ??

No I didn't get it. The guy was willing to let me buy it for $50 and even meet me half way to decrease my driving distance. Very nice guy to deal with. The overall shape of the grill was very nice. I just didn't like the four quarter size areas where the enamel had flaked off over the years.

The search for my red Master Touch or red 22.5" OTG continues. In fact, on my way home Friday I spotted a red 22.5" OTS outside an apartment building. Ive never seen a red Weber kettle in person before so i pulled over to admired the grill......boy was the red kettle I saw on Friday pretty. Makes me want a red kettle even more.

