What to try for first cook?

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Jeff Edvik

TVWBB Super Fan
I will be firing up my WSM for the first time this coming Sunday. I was thinking of trying BB ribs & chicken, but have received some advice that chicken turns out better at higher temps with a dry water pan. Cooking 2 different items the first try may also be a bad choice since there would be different basting & turning times for each type of meat, and I'm sure I won't be very fast at doing that at first.
What would you good people suggest I try for my first cook that would give me a reasonable chance for success?
I would also be interested to hear stories of what people cooked first in their WSM & how it turned out.

It is mostly a crispy skin thing (why to smoke chicken at a higher temp). If you time it, it will work. Plan on maybe 6 hours for the ribs and ... I can't remember what beer can chicken takes.
I was planning on doing the butterflied chicken method with the chicken on the bottom grate. If I put the chicken on later than the ribs, and time things reasonably right, hopefully they'll be done at about the same time.

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