What to Start Withl?


Ivson Passos Jr

New member
Hey Guys,

I just bought my 22.5" OTG (it was never used before), some stakes (Sirloins, Prime Ribs, Ribeyes, T-Bones) and Ribs.

As a newbie, I would like to hear from you what I should grill first (which meat) and how (season and method of grilling). I have previous experience with Brazilian barbecue but that's a different ball game. Cuts and grilling techniques might be quite different at times.

I would like to start with something good but not too difficult to master. I have already checked tons of recipes online but I didn't want to just pick one randomly, so if you could give me some ideas, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
How about some cheese burgers... Grill direct on high heat to get a nice crust then finish Indirect.
Tony, I have considered that option but I would have to get myself some ground beef and I don't really trust the meat around here. I mostly buy meat from South Africa or the US and I haven't bought any on my last shopping expedition. But thanks for the advice.
I would do a beer can chicken or another chicken such as road side chicken, all of the recipes and techniques can be found on this site.
I would do the Rib-Eyes (my favorite).
Seasoned with Salt, Pepper, Onion powder and garlic powder.
Grill SREAMING HOT to sear and finish to an internal temp of 125 F, rest for
10 - 15 minutes and dig in. Good sides would be potatoes, mushrooms and/or corn.
Tony, I have considered that option but I would have to get myself some ground beef and I don't really trust the meat around here. I mostly buy meat from South Africa or the US and I haven't bought any on my last shopping expedition. But thanks for the advice.

I see...
Then a nice steak Is a great way to start. Don't forget to take pictures and share with us. :)
Bob, Welton and Bill: I think I might just try one of each on Saturday. One cannot have too much stakes, right?

Rolf, thanks for the tip. They do have some amazing recipes there.

Tony: I'll take some pictures.
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Welcome Ivson! You already have some great advice, and yeah why not just grill all of them! I would be interested some time if you can post for us Brazialian BBQ that would be awesome to see and learn to do. Thanks in advance and look forward to your grilling pictures.
Well darn, if your gonna grill it all at once I'll stop by and help you, both cook and eat.

Oops, MapQuest says it's too long a drive from NY.

