What to do when you screw up and your pizza sticks

The semolina that I have is a medium grind, not a fine flour like they use in the video...mine is gritty. My wife is already complaining about all the pizza-making supplies I keep in the freezer so I'm going to stay with parchment paper for the time being, although I had a fail yesterday from the parchment paper being too undersized for the pie. One edge stuck to the unfloured metal peel during launch and caused the distortion and burning in the thinned area of the cornichon. After 31m preheat on HI, the stone was 725F - 740F at launch and the pie cooked in about 3m. I pulled the paper at 2m but I don't think it's really necessary in my case. The paper wasn't scorched too bad.
Yep that looks amazing

