No, it doesn't, so long as you don't load up on citrus juices (or the like) which might cause the muscle fibers toward the exterior of the roast to break down, nor use too much salt which eventually might cause a significant texture change (though it would be unpalatably salty so unlikely you'd eat enough to notice) it's fine.
I have on occasion noticed slight variations in texture (a little more or less firm) but nothing I was at all concerned with and nothing I wouldn't attribute to any or several of many factors: age of the pig at slaughter, quantity and condition of IM fat, fresh or previously frozen, brine ingredients, variations in cook temp, etc.
What I do is figure 1.5 days for a half ham, 2-3 for a whole, and wing it from there. I cook for 2-20 people on any given night I'm going to be home but am rarely sure of how many on which night till the last moment. So--I put a half or a whole (based on a gut feeling of what I think the flow will be) in a brine on Thursday and figure I'll be cooking the half on Friday or Saturday or the whole on Saturday or Sunday. No matter what happens, the roast is safely ensconced in its brine leaving me some mental space to figure out the meat for whichever the other night is going to be, along with the potential sides and condiments and stuff.A little nutso perhaps, but it works.
P.S. Btw, I used to deliver to a couple of the Greek places in your neighborhood. 6-7 years ago. Tell us about your dessert.