What it's ALL about


Chris S Lewis

So I’m doing an overnight Mr. Brown butt smoke and my 16 year old, who loves pulled pork, says “so dad what do you do? Stay up all night?” and I explain that I sleep on the recliner in 2 hour stints and he says “can I sleep on the couch and you wake me up when you check the cooker?”
Ok is there a tear in my eye my or what? We had a great night. He awoke like a trooper every time and checked the WSM with me. I sent him up to his bed at 4:00 but I’ll bet that pork will taste a little better to him this time.
Savor the moment cause one day your gonna blink and he's gonna be waking your old but up to check his smoker then he's gonna tuck you in at 4:00a.m.
now THAT is the coolest thing i've read all day. Would make for a great Hallmark Father's Day card (and I'm not being sarcastic or facetious).
That is an awsome story, at 16 they normally don't want to do anything with their parents.
My son is 10 years old, 9 when we started smoking. We "camp out" on an air mattress in the den on overnight cooks (still young enough to cuddle). When I get up to check the temps and make adjustments he does too. Cooked his first rack of ribs this summer, under supervision of course. It is good bonding time for a Father and his son. Something that is only "us". Enjoy it while you can and cultivate that relationship. BBQ is something he may do for a lifetime, and will remember and appreciate you when he does it. At least that is what I am hoping for from my boy.
Great story. Hope I can tell the same one in a few years. My boys are still too young but hopefully will join me in a few years.

