What is the coldest you have used you WSM in?

I've used my WSM in single digit temp. no wind, no snow or rain, just added more fuel and it cooks just fine.
I've done ribs on my kettle when it was -37c and done more than few cooks in the mid -20c's. Wind is your biggest enemy.
I've used my webers at temps lower than -30c, but not often. When it's that cold, there is usually no wind, so that is thankfully not a problem. Everything is frozen stiff, including the suspension on the cars, tires lose their air pressure, and so on. Frozen engines with flat batteries is a common problem, even here in Norway, where these conditions are quite normal each winter in parts of the country. My WSM and grill works as they usually do, using a tad more of fuel. That's it.

You will have to enjoy your beer from the inside. Take it out, and it is frozen solid in ten minutes.
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Wow. Best I've done is around 20F. It doesn't get colder than that where I'm at.

Takes more fuel and the dampers open more than usual, but cooks the same otherwise.
About three yrs ago, I don't recall the exact air temp, but the wind chills were around 40-50 below.
I did a HH butt and set up right outside the back door, used the Mav to monitor WSM temps and when it came time to foil transferred it to the oven cause why waste charcoal.

Well I am going to see if my new BBQ wind break/insulator really works tonight. Low is only 20, I was thinking single digits but that was last night. Going low and slow at 225-235 with ATC on 15 lb packer. Going to go with 15 lit coals in a full chimney-dry bowl. Going to put it on around 4 today and let it ride. Will bump temp up in morning if way behind for a 3 PM dinner. Hoping full ring will go to morning. If not by then will have plenty of smoke and will finish in oven. Will post pics and such tomorrow.
South Fl......maybe, low 70's, think I had trouble holding at 250, kept wanting to drop to 249................................d

