What "exactly" are burnt ends supposed to taste like and what is "proper" texture?



What "exactly" are burnt ends supposed to taste like and what is "proper" texture?

I had my first burnt ends a few weeks ago at a local popular BBQ joint. They were good. Not super duper tender, but tender enough. More like a regular roast tender and not like Boston Butt tender.

So, I was expecting them to be very very tender--fall apart tender maybe with some good caramelization on the outside. Not what I got, however.

Tasty? Yes. Delish? Yes. Smokey? Yes. Incredibly tender and melt in your mouth goodness? Meh--not so much.

But, I've never had them before.

So, what are they Supposed to taste like and what is Proper texture? (Probably a million correct answers to this one...)


Smoke on! :wsm:
Should be almost melt in your mouth tender.
At least the ones we get while judging generally do.
If we turn in burnt ends, they will be melt in your mouth like Bob said. Whenever I cook a brisket for someone, I give them both slices and burnt ends. Next time they want to know if I can cook the entire brisket as burnt ends, they are that good. I will be cooking for my daughters wedding rehearsal dinner in June and will buy a case of points just for this purpose.

Cooked right, they are wonderful.
My ideal burnt ends are cooked way past melt in the mouth (too rich still imo), allowed to render for a couple more hours.... yours sound undercooked to me (still good)

I've only made a couple of attempts and have never had them served to me.
Jack... they are indeed Pitmaster's Candy !
Always, ok... almost always enjoy them when part of a turn-in box.

I would say 80% of the boxes have burnt ends.
Based on that number, guess I've had them 52.8 times in the last 12 months. ;)
(11 sanctioned contests x 6 entries x 0.8)

