What are your Favorite Ribs to cook on the WSM?

I love both spares and BB's. BB's for ease of preparation and spares for meatier ribs. 60% BB's, 40% spares.
Babies are to overpriced in So Cal. I would do them more often, same with St. Louis style. It's funny how St. Louis style is more expensive than Spare ribs considering they are the same just cut differently. I vote for Spares
Yes, Baby Backs run $4.99-$5.99/lb at my local grocery stores in Southern California. I just picked up two racks of spares tonight for $1.99/lb at Stater Brothers. I had no idea that two racks would weigh 10.19 lbs. I walked away with two racks that cost $20.28--ouch don't tell the wife.

I'm going to trim the ribs St. Louis Style--thanks Chris for the video. I'm hoping I can fit all these ribs on my top rack for tomorrows cook.
Originally posted by Jeff Calhoun:
--ouch don't tell the wife.
I know the feeling. I went to S&Final with 2 slabs in my mind and came out with 2 packs, 2 slabs each, 4 sides! $40 bucks. I felt dumb, but she's OK with it son's coming Thurs and we can do a pair of spares with him. 3/2/1 this time. I cooked uncovered and got a little too much crust the 1st time.
Originally posted by Jeff Calhoun:
Yes, Baby Backs run $4.99-$5.99/lb at my local grocery stores in Southern California.
No kidding. I wouldn't have guessed that. Makes up somewhat for tri tips being around $6 per lb here when not on sale for $4. I wonder why BB's should be so much more in Cal than in Mass. At that price, I don't blame you for liking spares
baby backs here most of the time. bj's had some extra meaty ones(unenhanced) most of this past year.although spares are a welcome change every couple of cooks.
OK, the family is converted to Spares now. Much more meat than the puny BB's we're used to eating. Thanks for all your help.

It doesn't rain much here but I had to scramble and use the patio umbrella for shelter. The pictures didn't turn out that great but the food was super...



I'm going with baby backs.

I get much more consistent cooks with them for some reason.

When I have done spares in the past some have been finished in 3 hours & others have taken 5.

Granted, I'm betting the discrepancy is mostly due to my cooking methods more than the actual type of ribs.
Spares are easier to get around here. Swift is the brand that I look for. I do like baby backs but they are hard to find and if you do they are about 12.00 a rack. When I go to Sams I will buy the 3 pack of BB's.

