What a Week Burger - Bacon, Smoked Mozz, Avocado



TVWBB Olympian
It was one heck of a week, not to mention a PITB day but guess who pulled off a nice dinner & a buzz? (This guy!)

This is the first corn I've had this year that I can remember anyway:

I grabbed ~1.66# ground chuck. I know most people here like great big thick burgers, but for whatever reason I like mine pressed fairly thin, both for the texture and for the flavor.

"I'm a good girl" (she is!)

Peppers from Restaurant Depot & a local brew (peppers ready to warm up on the grill):

Getting There:

Add a little Smoked Mozzarella (good stuff! also from Restaurant Depot)

another beer:

This bacon was cooked about as perfectly as I know how.... this is about 3 pieces, and I probably ate another 1.5 pieces....

I will fight you for this sandwich :)

The corn was cooked in the husk, as grabbed from the store, and eaten after being warmed on the grill. Don't look so surprised, I've been known to stop at the grocery store around lunch time & grab raw corn among other pieces & eat them raw.

And now for your listening enjoyment - I hit the "record" button instead of "picture" (thank you Pandora)
Looks good Clint, if you want to know what you did this evening all you have to do is look at your thread...Tomorrow:D
Had those PINB days many times myself. Pretty much did the same. Works wonders.
You put everything I love on a burger, well done!!! I cook corn the same way except I will take a few layers of the husk off. IMO leaving the silk on seems to give the corn a more "corn" flavor.
Outstanding burger Clint. There is a burger joint in town that's been here for 75 years and they specialize in extremely thing burgers, around an 1/8" thick. They are fried on a griddle and served with shredded lettuce, onion and mustard. You can get single, double, triple, whatever you want. Cheese also if you ask. The place is jammed packed every day and sometimes lined out the door. We love it and sometimes duplicate the burgers at home.
Awesome looking burger! And I hear what you're saying. No matter how bad a day I have, grilling out or firing up the WSM always makes things better.
thx guys - Re: the ultra-thin burgers - I'd try them!

Here's part 2: The Luncheoning


Get some! Hope everyone is having a good day.
I'm with you Clint. Big thin burgers on a big bun. That thick slice of bacon……….…splendid!!
That's one fine looking burger Clint. I never thought of putting avocado on one, will have to try that as a topping.
Round 4

BBQ Bacon Jalapeno Onion on a Ciabatta roll

I put the onion & jalapeno under the bacon for a little while to pick up some of the bacon grease....they went onto the foil dry to begin with

Add a little cheese:


a little BBQ Sauce





