What a difference a day makes


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
No, not the old Dinah Washington song...

Last year Christmas was on a Friday and this year it was on a Saturday. Not a big deal for many, but our garbage day is Friday and that meant that last year all of the Christmas garbage was picked up the day AFTER the holiday. Food scraps, wrappers, dirty diapers (granddaughter's, not mine...yet), etc...everything gone less than 24 hours later.

This year our Friday pickup was NOT delayed by a day so the kitchen can is quite full and aromatic, so I'm going to have to empty it and put the bag in the big bin, where everything can continue to ripen. At least it'll be outdoors and the cooler weather will help, and hopefully no critters will bother it.

Hey LMichaels, what day is your garbage picked up? Maybe I can drop the bag off at your house...;)

