Well had a pellet issue today

Yeah Steve I believe you're right. Then yesterday was FINALLY cleaning my poor car. Have it a bath, cleaned all the dust and wildfire smoke residue off and out of the interior, vacuum carpets and mats, washed the Weather Tech rubber mats and found moisture under everything. Likely plugged sunroof drains. Have appointment to get it to dealer next Thursday for that, full check out, front and rear differential services and coolant flush. There goes a whole lotta $$$$ :D
Anyone notice how many pounds those 5 gal buckets hold? If they hold a whole bag I am in Much easier to store than the bags
Don't know if BBQ pellets follow the same pattern as heating pellets but I have found that the compression varies quite a bit from company to company and even batch to batch. It is pretty easy to spot when you look at a large group of covered pallets all stacked up in a yard. Some pallets will be a little shorter than others. The shorter pallets will have flatter bags in them that take up less room (but still weigh 40 pounds). Of course, the 1.5 ton pallets can not be compared to the 1 ton. The more compressed the pellets are the less room they take up and the more pounds you can fit in your hopper (or bucket).

Heating pellet bags are always "pricked" (usually down the sides) so the air can squash out and they can stack solidly. Don't know if BBQ pellet bags are pricked but I would think they must be. If a leak occurs in the pellet cover (big "over wrap" bag) water can get into these little pin holes. If they are pricked down the front or back instead of the sides these bags will collect even more water. As many have found, the water will instantly be absorbed by the pellets in the intrusion area and the pellets will expand into sawdust. If the bag then dries you will be left with a fused clump where the damage was.

I have carried, stacked, and used over 150,000 pounds of pellets (nearly all of them brought home in my old little Jeep, 16 bags at a time). Gosh. No wonder I'm tired...
Well, the bags I found compromised today were certainly not pricked. The defects were large enough to allow sawdust and even a few pellets to call out. Either I damaged them myself or missed the damage
Well I am happy to report I have all pellets isolated from the concrete floor.. All but 2 bags are either in actual pellet containers or in these https://www.menards.com/main/grocer...-63db-4381-bd93-28a58cafc963&ipos=1&exp=false with a lid. I still have 2 bags of Kirkland pellets in their bags but off the floor (precariously). So Maybe tomorrow I'll run back there and get 4 more buckets since they hold about 20# each. Much easier to handle and stack than the pellet containers. Hoisting 40# of pellets and trying to pour them into that hopper is a little difficult for this old guy. The buckets are much easier to handle.
Store them in the car..winter is coming?😉
Nah, everything now (except for 2 bags) is in either an actual pellet container or in the 5 gal sealed plastic buckets and inside the garage. I am slowly getting the garage ready for off season and being able to get the Highlander in there as well as the RAV4

