Weber Q1200 cart/table ideas?


Lance L

Looking for cart/table ideas for a Q1200 store bought or custom. Would like something that can easily be moved around the patio but not necessary portable. Suggestions, pictures or links would be great?

Thanks Lance
For a Q1200, I would definitely go with one of the foldup carts. The reason I don't like putting them on a table or something like that is that they take up way too much room. Sure they are small grills, but that is the beauty of them. When you use a table or build a large cart for the grill, you essentially give it the footprint of a Genenis 3 burner or even bigger..
For example, when I camp with my travel trailer, I take along a 2'x4' portable table for my grill center. I used to put the Q100 on the table, but I found when trying to do bacon and pancakes or run the waffle maker with butter, oil, utensils, paper towels, etc... the table got extremely crowded. I have since started taking a folding cart along. That puts the grill just off to the side and allows me the entire table top for accessories, accouterments and space for food prep.


Bruce all great points. I looked at the current Weber foldable cart and it just doesn’t seem sturdy however I may give it a try.
This is true, but I have never found that I was concerned with one collapsing on me while using it.
If I wanted portable for camping and whatnot I’d definitely get it. However from its storage spot to its cooking spot is only about 10’. Being able to roll it is a must but being truly “portable” isn’t needed.
I made something out of structural steel from Lowes for my Q3200. If you want something custom and sturdy that may be an idea. See this link for more info on my creation. No reason why it could not be table based with wheels. The fittings and pipe I used were made by Steel Tek.
Mark, I just made a wood shelf on the outside of my deck railing. I like yours better, but the big benefit is having full access to the grill while it have a zero footprint on the deck or porch or wherever you have it.
One thing I like about it is now that I have all the fittings, Modifications like making it 4 foot wide can be done by taking out the shorter pipes and add in longer ones. Then remake the wood surface that now goes around the grill “feet”.
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Not a bad price if you want a high quality product. I wonder what shipping charges would be though.
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Attempting to add a picture using the new format....,,


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2 tanks? I will be curious to see how long it takes to empty both of those with a 1200. It may take us 3 or 4 years to find out.

