Weber Platinum Series II Rehab



New member
Recently, I came across this beauty, $40 delivered. I would like to make this my home grill, but first, work to be done. Two questions, side frame is rusted, is this repairable or has to be replaced? Is this a 10’ natural gas hose? any tips or advice appreciated. Thanks, Jim


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I will let @Bruce say more as he is the resident expert. You will need to cut out that piece and replace it. The ideal fix is to weld a new one in place. Bruce does some welding and does that on his. The other solution for those of us not blessed to be able to weld is to use internal connectors for the replacement piece and drill holes through the front and back frames and bolt the replacement piece in.
That is repairable. A talented welder (queuing Bruce). Cuts that bar out welds in a new piece. He was going to help me do mine but my frame was so "roached" out, nearly every piece of tubing needs replacing. So I decided to cut my losses, scrap it out for parts to trade, and to fix my son in law's Genesis. Beside I've been pretty much going pellet now
Don't need to be "talented". I am certainly not. You could also fab in a new piece with the steel tubing connectors.

Here is my latest rehab Silver B. I had to fab in a new left side cook box cross member. They are notorious for rotting out where the cook box bolt goes through them. I just cut a piece out a trashed Genesis 1000 grill. It is hard to see, but I haven't even drilled a hole in it yet for the cook box bolt. Pretty easy job for any welder and good project for an inexperienced welder as well. My frame cross member wasn't as bad as yours and you will have to replace it one way or another.

I have a How To video on doing with the tube connectors:

Too bad you are not near me in Wisconsin. I have a frame like that sitting out in my bone yard that you could have.
I will let @Bruce say more as he is the resident expert. You will need to cut out that piece and replace it. The ideal fix is to weld a new one in place. Bruce does some welding and does that on his. The other solution for those of us not blessed to be able to weld is to use internal connectors for the replacement piece and drill holes through the front and back frames and bolt the replacement piece in.
That is repairable. A talented welder (queuing Bruce). Cuts that bar out welds in a new piece. He was going to help me do mine but my frame was so "roached" out, nearly every piece of tubing needs replacing. So I decided to cut my losses, scrap it out for parts to trade, and to fix my son in law's Genesis. Beside I've been pretty much going pellet now
First off nice score on that Platinum Series II 2200. These are my very favorite Weber's as they use the Oversize Frame of the Summit series with the Cook box of the regular Genesis. They also have the oversize side shelves as you can never have enough room when grillin'.

The good news on that left side frame piece that is rotted out is unlike the Genesis series that is welded in the Platinum II series is bolted in with a couple 1/4-20 bolts. It is an easy fix.

The part number is 97231 and they are still out there-

What I would do instead is grab a 1 1/4"x 3' piece of square stock and use what is left of your old piece as a template and drill the 4 holes and be good to go for much cheaper. Forney Industries part # 49529 or get on Bruce's good side and maybe he'll send you the piece off his old Frame ;)

You can reference my restore of my 1996 Platinum series II 3200 for reference here-


Edited for correct tubing size.

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Not sure on those Platinum II grills, but that cross member is 1.25" square stock on a Silver B. I would think that beefy frame would be at least 1.25". You can cut those pieces out of any Silver B or Genesis 1000. They have plenty of 15.5" lengths of 1.25" square stock in each frame. It does not have to be the actual cross member from another grill that you cut out. Mine certainly didn't. It was part of a leg.
You are right Bruce it is 1 1/4".

I'll dig up that Forney #


Seems to me that the frame connector 97231 should be a perfect fit for replacing the cross member that bolts to the box on all these old 3 burner Genesis 1000, silver, etc; the one that almost everyone needs to cut off…
Most likely comes with center hole drilled and inserts and will bolt right up once you make the holes in the legs,
In JW's case it would be nice to have the original part. Unless you already had everything on hand to make a replacement piece for that grill, I still think you're better off buying one and that's not even factoring in your time and effort.

