Greg M
TVWBB All-Star
One of the things I like best about the old classic webers is the old push button igniters. They are just so durable and reliable. My Silver A still has it's original igniter. And my dad's old 1000 still had its original igniter that was still functioning when I inherited the grill. I did replace it just because the housing was rusting away after 20 years.
I wonder why weber went away from these extremely reliable and durable piezo push button igniters in favor of the battery powered electronic ones? I've used the electronic ones on friend's newer weber grills and they work fine. I just can't imagine them lasting 20 or more years like the old ones. And with the old ones there isn't a battery to replace.
I wonder why weber went away from these extremely reliable and durable piezo push button igniters in favor of the battery powered electronic ones? I've used the electronic ones on friend's newer weber grills and they work fine. I just can't imagine them lasting 20 or more years like the old ones. And with the old ones there isn't a battery to replace.