Weber Genesis 3000 LX Crossover Burner Tube


J Hesse

New member
I currently have a rescued from the curb Weber Genesis 3000. It was in decent condition, and actually didn't require much cleaning to get it to at least "functional". In fact other than the faded lid and the need for some replacement parts it seems to be a great pickup and addition to my collection. It however has a broken Crossover Burner Tube. I took some parts from a donor grill (Genesis Gold I believe) to try and fix the problem however I found that the burners were too short and the crossover is not the same type and won't work.

I've checked online retailers that sell parts and they picture a different crossover tube than the one (1) that I have, that looks like the one (1) from the Genesis Gold I am using for parts. Is the crossover tube that I'm looking for impossible to find?

I would like to get my 3000 going before I give my brother my Silver B (the one that started it all for me). That's really the only part that's holding me up and I don't really want to buy new burner tubes from Weber if I don't have to since the burners are all in good shape. Thanks for any help or assistance you can provide.
I assume you have the old style center burner with burner holes on each side which is vertically mounted. And the Cross over Bruner slides through the center burner like on my grill below. The burner tubes of the Silver will work but you might have to modify them slightly. Either enlarge the slot in the center burner or file down the flat steel piece on the crossover burner.

Weber no longer makes the old style burners. Only the new style where the center burner slides into the cross over burner.
I currently have a rescued from the curb Weber Genesis 3000. It was in decent condition, and actually didn't require much cleaning to get it to at least "functional". In fact other than the faded lid and the need for some replacement parts it seems to be a great pickup and addition to my collection. It however has a broken Crossover Burner Tube. I took some parts from a donor grill (Genesis Gold I believe) to try and fix the problem however I found that the burners were too short and the crossover is not the same type and won't work.

I've checked online retailers that sell parts and they picture a different crossover tube than the one (1) that I have, that looks like the one (1) from the Genesis Gold I am using for parts. Is the crossover tube that I'm looking for impossible to find?

I would like to get my 3000 going before I give my brother my Silver B (the one that started it all for me). That's really the only part that's holding me up and I don't really want to buy new burner tubes from Weber if I don't have to since the burners are all in good shape. Thanks for any help or assistance you can provide.

My suggestion is to simply buy a brand new full set off I bought the set for my Genesis 1000 three years ago for $13 and they are still doing great.

I don't see any that cheap any longer, but there are several sets for under $20.
I opt for rehab. lol. The older burners are probably still non-magnetic 304 SS. The new ones no longer are. If the old burners are still good I would just clean them and just replace the cross over burners.
The problem is that those crossover tubes on that old style burner set are hard to find new these days.
Yep another reason sold my 1000. I was lucky to find new genuine Weber burners for $25 on ebay but have not seen any since spring 2019.
Yes I agree the old 304 burners are worthy of salvage IF you can find a matching replacement crossover burner which seems to always be shot. If anyone has a source let us know. Absent that I would just buy a new inexpensive burner set.
Hey Everyone,

Sorry for not even keeping this post alive. I was expecting to get notification on my email that I got responses, and when I didn't I figured that my post got lost in the ether.

Stefan, I do have that style burner, and also did a dry run between burners 1 and 3 with the Silver's crossover tube and it worked fine, I can easily modify the crossover I have to work with the 3000's burners. Probably my best option.

Bruce thanks for your input. I guess I would just suck it up and buy a new set from Weber if I needed to buy a new burners. I have a decent bit of parts from the Genesis I parted out and was hoping to make it work or to see if anyone even knows of where to find those crossovers. The burners I have are surprisingly in great condition so I would've hated to have replaced them for a crossover.

Thanks everyone for your input. I'm gonna start with modifying the extra crossover tube that I have, and keep an eye out for a Craigslist/Marketplace find that may have a salvageable burner/crossover (which I highly doubt would occur but ya never know).

I'll also have to keep an eye on eBay for that mythical burner set Chris.

Thanks again.

