I'll use what ever is readily available and affordable. I mean I won't use any kind of match light type product or some really off the wall brand like you'll find in the dollar store but I will and do use Kingsford in the blue bag as well as their Comp brand, Stubbs, Sam's Choice which I can't find anymore. I've never tried lump but I am working up to it, I tried it for grilling and like it, heck I've been using Cowboy brand and just finely picked up a couple of bags of Royal Oak and even used some Natures Own or something like that I got at Harris Teeter. Charcoal brands are limited around where I live which is hard to believe considering where I live unless I want to drive further than I want to get a couple of bags because I really can't afford to buy it by the pallet the way some do. So my recommendation is, use what is available and affordable and what works best for you and don't pay attention to the folk who will criticize your cook because you don't use what they use. I've ran into so many like that in other forums lately