Weber featured on Unwrapped


Barry McCorkle

TVWBB Super Fan
It's probably been aired before, but it was first time that I have seen the Weber Grill featured on Unwrapped. Only uses charcoal and they sear over 1500 deg heat. I liked the industrial size charcoal baskets that were installed in the ranch kettles. Also looked like they had charcoal grates located just under the cooking grates also for the searing. Cool stuff.
Yeah I have seen that Barry. Def something cool to check out if you haven't seen it. It's probably on you tube (along with everything else!).
I would love to visit that resturant in Chicago ( they have 3 in Chicago)---Check out Popular Plates Magazine-this month is called Grill there is a short story about Weber resturant with photos of the masive ranch kettles.1st issue was BBQ . Written by Jane & Michael Stern authors of the book Roadfood

