Weber Family Portraits

Here is an old patial shot of my collection. I have since added three WSMs, the black Bar-B-Q Kettle was given to a friend, and replaced with pre-79 Bar-B-Q kettle. The WSM with the black door (The Worlds Oldest WSM, date code B) has been retired from service, and rests comfortably in the rafters of my garage.

Originally posted by Shaun R:
Nice collection Harbormaster. I really like the gray Weber, What's his story?
Thanks Shaun.
That came from my next door neighbor. He built a brand new house, and I did an extra special commercial grade termination of his phone lines in the basement. Not really, just did some things you wouldn't normally see in residential work.
Anyway, he had a performer, and this old gray kettle was siiting in his garage doing nothing. I told him if he ever decided to get rid of it, I had dibs.
One day I was cooking outside, and here comes the neighbor dragging the kettle behing him. All mine for free. He thinks it's about a 1974 as he recalls.
I would really like them if they were stacked in my back yard!!!! Love the Performer with the rotis. Very nice collection. What is with the OTG Kingsford with no legs???

Ben, got that at a place that buys returns from stores like Gander Mountain. It has never been used but has been abused. It came with a perfect bottom, new hinged cooking grate, new charoal grate and inards one wheel and the triangle braces that goes between the legs. The lid has been pretty beat up so hoping to find a decent lid and legs at a garage sale. Got it for 10 bucks! MK I was hoping for a WSM for fathers day didn't happen!
I was using gdocs just because I already had a gmail account, I will check out photobucket.

I've only had the performer a couple weeks, only have 3 cooks on it. I'm ashamed.
Well, I am embarrassed at my modest collection.


The 22" One Touch Silver is in the background. I didn't think to take their picture together when they were both here. Smokey Joe is now in his permanent home in the travel trailer which is off in the storage lot.

Just realized I had a recent picture of the 22" OTS...
Backyard patio almost done, so I can post my 2 member family photo:

22.5 WSM in its own little alcove and a built in 26.75 kettle. Way overkill, I know, but SWMBO likes it. I do too....
Nice catch George! Actually, we built a little door in the back of the island for access to WSM back vent.

